Edit mock 'EdqrDhCL' OR 669=(SELECT 669 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--'

Here you can edit your mock.

General mock properties

Enter a name for this mock
Status for this mock
Enter a description
Choose the method that matches this mock
Enter the HTTP status code of this mock's response
Enter the route you want to mock. You can use :blah and get the values as parameters

Response body properties

Choose the type of the response body
Choose the content type to be set to the response
Fill in the response's body. Depending on your body type selection, the response will be transformed appropriately

Response headers

Fill in the header name
Fill in the header value

Advanced mock configuration

Choose the type of the script that you will add below
What you fill in this field will be evaluated to json. The following keys are going to be processed and override your previous selections appropriately: 'headers', 'status_code', 'content_type', 'body'